Soft Landscaping

Gardening isn’t an exact science and what is right for one garden isn’t always right for all. Get planting design from hands on gardeners who are passionate about the gardens they work in!

Why should you choose GardenWild for your soft landscaping?

Confidently bringing your planting designs to life.

We have years experience working with garden designers and hard landscapers through out Yorkshire. We are conscientious and careful in our execution of all of our soft landscaping projects.

Safe Hands

We pride ourselves on our horticultural expertise and are ability to give the best start the new plants in your garden.

Our team of skilled professionals are well-versed in accurately setting out and adhering to a planting plan. With years of experience, we have developed a profound understanding of how borders evolve over time, allowing us to execute each planting plan with the ultimate intention of creating a flourishing and harmonious outdoor space.

Good Relationships

We take immense pride in the relationships we establish with our clients. We also understand that a garden designer needs to be kept informed as the project progresses.

We believe that open communication is the cornerstones of successful projects.

Practical Experience

When it comes to building a garden, it's not uncommon to encounter occasional stumbling blocks and hurdles. From unexpected challenges to necessary adjustments, there are always a few snags along the way. However, at GardenWild, we have gained ample experience in handling these kinds of predicaments. We understand the importance of making sensible and practical decisions while also being flexible in our approach. Our team is dedicated to finding practical solutions that not only address the issues at hand but also cater to the needs and preferences of all parties involved.

Excellent Links To Local Suppliers

We take pride in our longstanding presence in the industry. With years of experience under our belt, we have established strong and reliable partnerships with local suppliers.

our commitment to using tried and tested services guarantees that every aspect of our operations runs smoothly and efficiently.

How can we help?

Homeowner, Landscaper or Garden Designer?